How do I navigate the website?

Besides the most updated information and news that is posted on the homepage, you can navigate the website by using the drop down menu under the banner.

“NYSA Team Registration” box on homepage brings you to the registration information and the start registration button.

“About Us” has drop-down pages for Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Coaches Info, Training Groups, Team Policies and Team FAQs.

“Team Info” has drop-down pages for Practice Schedule, Newsletters, Site Facilities, Team Records.

“Competition” has drop-down pages for Meet Schedule, Meet Directions and Time Standards.

“Fundraising” has drop-down pages for the Annual Golf Outing and Swim-A-Thon.

“Volunteering” has drop-down pages for Swim Meets and How to Become an Official.

"Upcoming Events"  box on the homepage has information about Travel Meets, Hosted Meets, Fundraisers, and Meet Sign-Ups

"Lesson and Workshshops has information about our Lessons Programs


Where can I find meet information pages?
You can find meet information pages for all NY Sharks meets on the homepage under “Upcoming Events.” Each meet title is linked to a meet information page that includes a description of which swimmers and coaches are attending, location, opt-out deadlines, meet information packets and team entries. 
How do you Sign Up for meets?

Parents will have the option to register their swimmer for upcoming Meets. Parents will be able to select days and events but must receive final approval from Coaching Staff. All swimmers must sign up by registration deadline or swimmers will not be entered in the meet. After the meet, all accounts will be charged for meet fees.


How do I know when my swimmer should arrive at a swim meet?
A Meet itinerary with the arrival and Meet Start times will be on the homepage under Upcoming Events and sepcficially under that Meet. Also, your coach in most cases will email the itinerary to all of the swimmers.
How do Meet Fees Work?

Every time a swimmer swims a race during a USA competition, the host team charges an entry fee. New York Sharks offers an automatic payment method through our team website for families. This is the most cost effective and accurate way to handle meets fees. Families will be able to see what charges are pending on their active website accounts. To avoid any inaccuracies please ask your coach if unsure of how to register for swim meets using the website. All Meet fees are listed the meet packet. Meet packets will be posted on our team website once available to us. NYSA Charges an additional $4.00 administration surcharge per swimmers for local meets. A Travel Meet can incur a surcharge of up but no more than $50.00 per swimmer. (This additional surcharge helps outset the travel cost for the coaches.)

Who decides my swimmers events for swim meets? Can they make changes to events?

When registering for a swim meet, either the swimmer or the parent can select the events they want to  swim.  Once your swimmer is committed to attend a meet, the coach will review those choices amd make any changes they feel are needed. If you or your swimmer ahs a question about approved events you need to speak to the coach as sonn as possible so that they cn make any necessary changes.  If you or your swimmer do not want to select events, you MUST let the coach know so that evetns are picked for your swimmer.

I am not receiving text messages. Why not and how can I fix this?

In order to receive text (sms) messages your cell phone number neds to be verified in the system. Follow these steps:

  1. log into the website
  2. click on my account menu
  3. click on account tab
  4. put your cell # into the sms field
  5. select your carrier
  6. click save
  7. go back to the account tab
  8. you will a yellow button over your cell # to verify- click on it
  9. wait for verification to come to your cell (ony 10 seconds or so)

When is the best time to talk to my swimmer's Coach?
Before or After practice is the best time to speak to a coach.Please try not to interrupt a coach while they are coaching.  Yoru swimmer needs our attention. If you are having trouble catching your caoch before or after practice on the pool dec please email or text them so that you may set up a time to meet.
How do I Sign Up for volunteer hours at Swim Meets ?
There is a Job Sign Up button on the Meet Event on the Website.  Once Job Sign Ups are Available, when you click onthe button all the job assignments will be visible for selection. Select which jobs and when during the meet and sign up. A Volunteer Sign up email will be sent out between 1 and 2 week before the meet stating when the Job Sign Up will be available.
What is the protocol for Volunteering at Swim Meets?

Upon reporting to the swim meet for the job requirement:

  • Sign in on the Volunteer Sign In Sheet at the Admissions Table, located at the entrance to the meet.  There will be a Volunteer assisting with the Sign in Process. You must also Sign OUT onthe same sheet upon completion of the job requirement
    • Obtain badge and report to the assigned place for the job (ex: Concession stand; Deck for Timers, Marshalls, Runners)
How do I check how many Volunteer Hours I have?

To check the status of your volunteer hours you will need to go onto the NYSA web page and sign in to your account. In the upper right hand corner, go to My Account/Invoices & Payments. Select the Service Hours Tab. There you will see a log of the hours completed and the balance of hours remaining to be completed.

All of the Volunteer spots for the upcoming meets are full (and I need hours), what do I do?
Get on the waitlist. Email Regina O'Brien at reginanysainfo@gmail.com and ask to get on the waitlist for the upcoming meet. Check the Job Sgn Up frequently as people's plans change and jobs open up. Check with the Volunteer Coordinator (person checking the volunteers in at the Admissions Table) to see if additional people are needed or perhaps someone is not showimg up.
How do I access my bill/account balance?

To check the status of your account balance, you will need to go onto the NYSA web page and sign in to your account. In the upper right hand corner, go to My Account/Invoices & Payments. Select the Invoices Tab. There you will see the Charges Summary, Current Invoice Summary, Projected Amount Owed for the next billing month as well the billing history.

Under Make a Payment Tab, you can make an additional payment and/or change credit card information.

Under the Fundraising Tab, you can see the dollar amount you have contributed towards the Fundraising requirement.

Is there required Equipment?
Yes there is required equipment depending onthe swimmers group/level.  Your coach will  have sent out information onthe equipment needed as well as there is a "Team Fitting Day" early in the season to get competition suits as well as equipent.  Check your practice schedule or ask your child's coach.